The Joy of Kubernetes 3 - Private Docker registry on NFS storage
Welcome to the Joy of Kubernetes. Hi everyone, so glad you could join us today and enjoy deploying some useful tools. If you are painting along at home, this one might be an episode where you need to take some brave creative efforts. The goal is to set up a...
The Joy of Kubernetes 2 - Let us Encrypt
Welcome to the Joy of Kubernetes If you are new to the series, check out the previous post about Argo CD if you like, we will leverage Argo CD a bit to deploy what we are doing today. You can just as well replace Argo CD with applying the manifests...
The Joy of Kubernetes 1 - Argo CD with private git repo
Welcome to the Joy of Kubernetes In this first entry in The Joy of Kubernetes we will explore setting up Argo CD and deploying applications through gitops. That is our desired state of our applications are recoreded and versioned controlled in git, while an agent called Argo CD makes sure...