The Joy of Kubernetes 1 - Argo CD with private git repo
Welcome to the Joy of Kubernetes In this first entry in The Joy of Kubernetes we will explore setting up Argo CD and deploying applications through gitops. That is our desired state of our applications are recoreded and versioned controlled in git, while an agent called Argo CD makes sure that state is synchronized into Kubernetes objects in one or more clusters.
The joy of Kubernetes - Teaser
Hello there. Over the coming weeks I hope to share some of the fun stuff I have had with the setup I run at home. I was thinking of picking up painting like Bob Ross, but I fell back on Kubernetes instead and it gives me comparable joy.
Istio API gateway with keycloak as IDP
Having an API gateway and single sign on for every service deployed behind that gateway allows our developers to ignore developing their applications to be aware of issuers, token validation for authentication, et cetera and they can focus on checking the token claims for authorization.